Category: The Blob

  • Love and Stuff…

    Love and Stuff…

    This past weekend two of my favorite people from way back yonder got hitched. These two have been at it since we were just wee little ones in high school and now…all these years later, they are married! Why is this important? Well, because it is…I mean, how is love not important? Especially long time…

  • The Mountains Are Calling

    The Mountains Are Calling

    “I always enjoy going out west” – Lewis and Clarke (together simultaneously, right before they both pointed at each other and said “ahhhhhhh”) Like Mr. Lewis and Sir Clarke, I also enjoy going out west. In fact, the place I enjoy going the most out west is Seattle. Seattle is a great city filled with…

  • Making Moves

    Making Moves

    Hey. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I didn’t mean to stay away for this long, things just…well they got a bit out of hand. We moved, and if you’ve ever moved…ever (even from room to room)…you know that moving is terrible and should be banned by the Geneva convention. Since my petition has yet…

  • Pazole for MamaG

    Pazole for MamaG

    Solo cooking in MamaG’s kitchen. It’s not something I get to do often, but I got to do it last weekend. MamaG was sidelined, recovering from knee surgery. She’s now partial bionic and will soon be more bionic once she gets the other replaced. If you’ve ever gone through knee surgery, or any surgery for…

  • Christmas with Mama G: Pert Deux

    Christmas with Mama G: Pert Deux

    Like the Godfather and Dirty Dancing before it, Christmas with Mama G: Parto Uno was in need of a sequel in order to tell the whole story. Michael Corleone had only just begun to scratch the surface of what it meant to lead the family and expand his power. Those people from the Dirty Dancing Havana Nights needed…

  • Message from the AD: Dirty Thuuurty

    Message from the AD: Dirty Thuuurty

    Hello there. It’s me, Todd…the Activities Director here at Camp Garcia. I’m going to take a moment from our normal activities to discuss something. I’ve officially hit my next life milestone by turning 30 years old. That’s correct, I’ve been on this earth for three decades. Which is nuts. I mean, freaking craze balls. Three…

  • Time wasters

    Time wasters

    Watching a little TV today. Well, the TV is normal sized. I’m just taking in a bit of TV this morning with my coffee. I’ve been taking in quite a bit of TV lately. And video games. Time wasters. It’s a constant battle, isn’t it? Trying to manage your own expectations for yourself. Always been…

  • Back in the habit

    It’s  a quarter past nine in the evening. Stacey is to my left flanked by Batman and Lester, she’s watching Game of Thrones. She’s never seen it so she’s catching up…she hates Joffrey, so at least she’s on the right track with the rest of us. We took it easy tonight, I made dinner while…

  • Ready…Set…

    That’s right. I’m back Billy, and I want you. Yes, I’m back.  I’m not sure why I took a break, though it probably has something to do with intense bouts of depression and cats. But here I am. Attempting to add levity and joy back to the lives of the 10’s of people who read…

  • Fully Baked

    Fully Baked

    Sunday, 3 minutes to 9pm. Batman and Stacey are laying down watching X-Men, which we realized tonight came out 16 years ago. Batman wasn’t even born then, he was just a twinkle in his mama’s eye. Lester was more of a steady and heavy pulse of light…but still very much not born yet. Lester is…